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Maritime Entitlements in a Changing Marine Environment

Photo: Hama Haki/Unsplash

About the project

Three-year postdoctoral project, funded by the Icelandic Research Fund (grant number 196369) and Doctoral Project at the University of Edinburgh.

This research explores various practical implications of the theory of ambulatory baselines, and possibilities for stabilising otherwise fluctuating maritime limits. It explains how bilateral maritime boundaries are established, and how coastal instability and vulnerable ecosystems can affect the delimitation process through bilateral negotiations or judicial settlement. Finally, it explains how unforeseen, fundamental changes to the marine environment can lead to revision of settled maritime boundaries and related agreements.


  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, Climate Change and Maritime Boundaries: Legal Consequences of Sea Level Rise, published by Cambridge University Press in December 2021.

  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, ‘Climate Change and Efforts to Stabilise Otherwise Fluctuating Maritime Entitlements‘, (2021) 1 ELSA Iceland‘s Law Review: Helga, 53-76.

  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, ‘Breytingar á Hafréttarsamningi Sameinuðu þjóðanna‘, (2021) 74 (3) Úlfljótur, 393-419.

  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, ‘Effects of Sea Level Rise on Agreements and Judgments Delimiting Maritime Boundaries’, Tómas Heiðar (ritstjóri) New Knowledge and Changing Circumstances in the Law of the Sea (Brill Nijhoff 2020), 382-406.

  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, ‘Environmental Changes Justifying Termination or Revision of EEZ and EFZ Boundaries’, (2017) 84C Marine Policy, 287-292.

  • Snjólaug Árnadóttir, ‘Termination of Maritime Boundaries due to a Fundamental Change of Circumstances’, (2016) 32 (83) Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 94-111.


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